haw hamburg illustration

I create comics,… I Pace, Back and Forth. Hello! It… 30.10.2020 – design education illustration interview photography portfolio publications Der dreisemestrige Masterstudiengang Illustration wird an der HAW Hamburg mit den beiden Richtungen Fiction und Non Fiction angeboten. My Illustrations rely heavily on the figurative, I love the scenic and atmospheric, often conveying a feeling of nostalgia and melancholy. 11 x 17in. ABOUT. Master. I'm always open for collaborations, commissions, interesting projects feel free to contact me: mail@friederikehantel.de I’ve graduated from the HAW Hamburg with a diploma in communications design and illustration. Since then Elsa has worked for various magazines and corporations and has illustrated several children's books. In diesem Video erzähle ich ein wenig von meiner Erfahrung mit den praktischen Prüfungen an der HAW und zeige die dabei entstandenen Bilder. I am a freelance illustrator since 2011 based in Hamburg. HAW Hamburg Project, 2018stickers design | illustration. I’m Julia Bausenhardt, an illustrator based in Kassel (Germany). I am Friederike Hantel, a freelancing illustrator, doing illustration, animation (2d) and teaching at HAW Hamburg. Elsa Klever was born in Berlin. May 2019. ... Submission of Patti Smith for So Young Magazine’s Illustration … Throughout her studies of Illustration at HAW Hamburg and HSLU Luzern she developed her own visual language and style. I finished my Bachelors Degree at the HAW in 2018 and working since then as a freelancer mostly in editorial. This project was for a class called "Design Theory" which the main topic was Hamburg Memory and Culture. Aufbauend auf dem Bachelorstudiengang werden Seminare, Projekte und Präsentationen angeboten, die individuell wählbar sind. uncanny double. For a collaborative traveling exhibition with Parsons, Pratt, and HAW-Hamburg, interpreting the word “secrets”. Studiengang Illustration Der Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang für Illustration an der HAW Hamburg bietet fünf unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte: Graphische Erzählung und Comic, Buchillustration, Digitale Animation und Editorial Design, Informative und Wissenschaftliche Illustration und Interaktive Illustration und Games. Informative Illustration Der Studienschwerpunkt informative Illustration vermittelt die professionelle, illustrative Umsetzung von Informationen. 4 color risograph print on 80lbs drawing paper. I’ve been passionate about the natural world all my life, and I’m dedicated to connect art and nature in my work. I am Julia, a freelance Illustrator currently located in Hamburg. Briefing: During my exchange year in Hamburg, Germany, I developed this project that was based on my experience in Hamburg and how to translate my experience with that amazing city in a graphic project. SAMT Magazine shows what is developed, designed, conceived, and implemented at the Design Department of HAW Hamburg. Hi! My studies of image imprimé at École nationale supérieure des Arts décoratifs (EnsAD) Paris and science and book illustration, painting and visual communication at HAW Hamburg are the foundation of visual and technical knowledge for my work which received international recognition.I graduated with diploma in illustration …

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